Manny Melliza

Manny Melliza
Sacramento, California

As a photographer, I love to capture the details of our beautiful planet … the little things that everyday people walk by and don’t take the time to appreciate. Beauty can be found everywhere, from freshly cut coconut discarded on a boat deck, the Je t’aime locks of Paris fame at a local church, sidewalk leaf impressions, branch sculpture of a very large reindeer, or people’s sense of humor with a desert road signage. Just stop and have a look at your surrounding, you will find a treasure trove of unspeakable delights.

About the Artist

Manila-born, Yokohama-raised, California-educated, I’m a freelance photographer, photographing Earth’s fast-disappearing wildlife, landscapes, native cultures, and increasing public awareness of these natural treasures. Through captured images, I provide my personal view of the world and our place in it. I’m based in Sacramento, California, but travel for projects around the globe. Fueled by my passion to connect with people, I have an affinity for sharing stories in engaging ways. Three of my images, themed “Screaming California” have been exhibited for the last three years in Governor Jerry Brown’s Office, California State Capitol Building.

The Artists